2020 and Goal!

Most authors… we do it at the end of the year, or shortly after the New Year begins. We plan-out the coming year’s writing goals. Me? I do this constantly, it seems… Sketching out when I’m going to things and when I’m going to finish them. It’s a malleable outline that changes often and is always jammed with creativity and work. So, what do my readers have to look forward to this year? Well, a lot, to come right to the point.


Last year, I joined in a rather spectacular anthology, Voyages of the Heart (Venice). I’d never written shorter stories (under 20k) before and doing it was a unique and challenging experience. I think I might be addicted, though, because this year I’ve signed up for a number more, with stories ranging from a couple thousand words to 10k, and in genres from western to mythology to wounded veterans and everything in between. Those will be coming out periodically this year, so stay tuned to my pages for teasers and info as I get them.

I’m also going to be part of an amazing paranormal boxed-set coming out later this year. I’m joining several other authors and we will be producing some fantastic stories featuring a host of creatures and a very unique world.

As for my own unique worlds, This year will see the release of the next Kate Gardener Mystery in April. Book 8, WHERE DEATH REJOICES, is my longest KGM yet and there is plenty of action, suspense, intrigue, and (yes) romance to satisfy fans. Now is a great time to check out the other mysteries and catch up on the story because I’m telling you the revelations and shocking surprises in this one will leave you breathless!

I’m also making plans for a new three-book series. I can’t tell you a lot about it yet except to say it is a shifter series (but not werewolves); it is historical (because I love writing in the past); it will be legendary. I’m in the notes and plotting stage right now, but will be diving in to write this summer and hope to be able to debut these books next year.

And that’s where I’m at… A jam-packed year to look forward to. Thank you all for joining in and being part of the journey! I’ll catch you all back here next week when we’ll be talking about book inspiration and some of the things that inspired my historical fantasy, THE COLD ONES.

Until then,

Peace, Love, & Muchness


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