Gaby’s Books & Muchness – Weekly Update – Volume 38_12022018

Ahoy, Muchlanders!!! Hope everyone has had a fabulous weekend!!! It’s a short update this week, so let’s jump right in…

Friday finished up the month of super-writing known as NaNoWriMo… I made it to 50k (barely Lol) and NIGHT MOVES, Kate Gardener Mystery #6, is complete. Now I’m in the process of finalizing updates to the cover, and then it will be time to edit the draft and get the blurb written. Still not setting a release date for sure, but it will likely be by the end of the month or the very beginning of January. Stay tuned!!!

This coming Wednesday Live Writes at the Bistro is back!!! We have a great line-up of writers, all ready to get it their all and spin brilliant tales for you, so I hope you’ll mark your calendars and join us starting at 8PM EST.

Oh, and before I forget… check out the posts in the group… I’ve been nominated for a couple of awards and would love the votes! The categories are there, so just follow the link to the event and look for me. I know there are a ton of Female Authors nominated so you might not be able to find me, but the Mystery Titles is still a small one. I appreciate all the votes you can muster… I’d love Razor’s Edge to get a nod!

Yep, short one LOL Alright, everyone, I’m off to putter on the cover and make some new teasers. Until next week, wishing you all Peace, Love & Muchness galore!!!



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